Ok, well last night's taping was very eventful! I lost about 4lbs from the week before. It would have been more but ya know "that time of the month" and all? We all got shirts donated to us from Angela Kincade and thanx to Becky she picked out my favorite blue in the whole world "baby blue". Bob Miles won the most weight lost, most %tage lost and a year membership to SNAP fitness. But he so graciously gave up his win to Jamielynn Davis. Bob you are a true gentleman! God will bless you abundantly! I had fun working as floor manager last night! I get such a high working in the Entertainment Industry it's not even funny :) I am still excited for incredible things to come in my life this year! Stay Tuned..............

p.s. Thank you Jasmine for the advil and granola bar... if it wasn't for you I would have passed out!
Love ya


Well tonight is weigh in night! Excited for the results! But nervous about the results due to that time of the month! Does it effect your weight? Hmmm we will soon find out! Excited to see some people at the show, can't believe it's been a week since we all went bowling. I feel like I have done a ton of things since then but having the time of my life watching myself loose this weight! Man I can't wait to actually wear a short sleeved shirt, shorts, no layers, no more hiding my body so much. I can't wait to be free of this FAT I have been carrying around for so many years. Can't wait to sit in an airplane seat and be more comfortable then I have ever been. Can't wait to reward myself with a trip to somewhere! Can't wait to just feel better about myself......which it is already happening........PRAISE JESUS!

READY TO SHOOT....2/22/09

Well there is 2 more days until I weigh in and we are shooting the second episode of our show.
Excited that all of us are getting t-shirts made especially with the "NW Health Challenge and Dark Wing Productions logos". Thank you to our sponsor Angela (friend of my partner skinny becky). She was kind enough to make all 14 contestants shirts. I am really excited to find out what the future might hold? I can feel my pants getting smaller and smaller and I am even more elated about this whole journey!!!!!!!!


Oh my gosh! In addition to loosing 20lbs in about a month. I just did my measurements and in about 3 weeks I have lost 3 inches in my upper arms, none in my chest (that's fabulous) 6 inches in my waist, 4 inches in my hips and 2 1/2 inches in my thighs. THIS PLAN WORKS!

2/18/09 AIR DATE

Well our first show airs tomorrow night at about 9pm. I am not excited to see my fat self on TV by any means. But excited for the journey!


Well I weighed in tonight, I lost another 4.8 lbs.... whoo hoo! Praise Jesus! I am really starting to feel better about myself but for sure not there by any means....I have about 95lbs to go but I just need to focus on one day at a time. It has been a change of lifestyle that's for sure. I am learning to eat much better. No pop, no fried foods, no starchs and making sure I eat every 2 hours. I really would love to get down 40 more lbs by the time the show has it's finale' by the end of April. But I will wait and see. But my main goal is to get down as much as I can before I leave for L.A. at the end of June 2009.

All the contestants went bowling together last night. We all had a blast. I even bowled a strike, imagine that considering I have not been bowling in 10 years. Thank you so much MILES couple for picking up the bill. You are both too kind and totally appreciated!
Everyone of the contestants are doing well.... Great to see the transformations! We are all really rooting each other on........
Way to go Team!

Keep up the great work..
Skinny Becky and I are really neck and neck each week! Way to go Becky....


Well it's the night before I weigh in for the show! I have been doing really good with my eating habits lately. I will see how much weight I have lost soon enough.

All the contestants are going bowling tomorrow night together! We are all so excited! It should be a good time.....

Until tomorrow night!